Beijing Life Science Park Medical Technology Centre


Bejing, China






Bene GmbH


Zhongguancun is a district in the Chinese capital Beijing, which is considered a science and technology centre. The so-called high-tech park is also referred to as the "Silicon Valley of China". In order to create interest for Zhongguancan for foreign companies, a modern, high-quality pilot space was created in one of the buildings of the Beijing Life Science Park. Bene was commissioned with this task - not least because of its worldwide experience in planning and implementing sustainable office landscapes.

Three floors of the building were equipped as common rooms for all companies. Bene seating and office furniture was used to create a wide variety of meeting and collaboration options:

Possibilities of cooperation

Spacious SETTLE sofa landscapes, for example, with their soft shapes and fine contours, bring an inviting, homely atmosphere to the office landscape. They are the ideal meeting place for relaxed meetings. BAY CHAIRSPARCS Pop-up StoolsPORTS Active Chair and Club Chairs complement the seating options, while Club Tables and PARCS Tables provide storage areas.

Confidential meetings on a smaller scale are best held in a separate meeting room, where Rondo chairs with their organic shapes provide maximum seating comfort. Very casual meetings can be held on the high tables made of the flexible PIXEL. Tall TIMBA Stools are the ideal complement.

Very casually, in turn, you can meet on the high tables, which were built from the flexible PIXEL.

These and a few other products from Bene's comprehensive range make the common spaces in the Beijing Life Science Park as versatile as the companies from all over the world that have rented them.

Photos: Beijing Life Science Park
