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First place in the Federal Apprentice
competition 2022 for Bene

Two Bene apprentices took part in this year's national apprentice competition.

First place in the 2022 national apprentice competition for Bene

Two Bene apprentices took part in this year's national apprentice competition. Daniel Weidenauer and Manuel Wagner took part in the nationwide apprentice competition in Hard in Vorarlberg on 25 June 2022 in the carpentry and joinery technician category. Manuel Wagner, in his 4th year of apprenticeship, took 1st place and Daniel Weidenauer, in his 1st year of apprenticeship, took 5th place.

"We are proud of our two participants Daniel and Manuel and congratulate them on their great victory! Together with apprentice coach Andreas Riedler, they have been through intensive weeks of preparation. Their training, speed and precision in their work have paid off. Awards like these prove how seriously we take our responsibility to train our skilled workers, they confirm the extensive expertise of our apprentices and demonstrate our high level of training. We would like to thank Daniel and Manuel for their hard work, energy and commitment in preparation for and during the competition," congratulates Bene Managing Director Jörg Schuschnig.

Bene trains apprentices in the professions of carpenter, industrial clerk, technical draughtsman, plant logistics technician and IT technician. For carpentry apprentices, specialisation is offered as a carpentry technician with a focus on carpentry technology planning and carpentry technology production. An apprenticeship with a school-leaving certificate is also an option.

The Lower Austrian team was trained by Bene employee Andreas Riedler. Andreas Riedler himself began his career as an apprentice at Bene, won the national carpentry championship in 2001 and took part in the world championships in Seoul; he has been responsible for the management of technical apprentice training since 2013.

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