Driven by technological and social developments, the world of work is constantly changing. In this environment of permanent transformation, agility and stability are becoming essential qualities for companies to remain successful. These characteristics must be supported by flexible organisations and redefine the roles of leadership and management.
This change also requires new office concepts: the design studio Pearson Lloyd has spent several years researching for Bene to develop the award-winning answer to this challenge. PORTS is a new office concept – a product line that reflects the new way of leading: non-hierarchical, open and dynamic.
The ONLINE EXPERT TALK took place in English.
Luke Pearson and Tom Lloyd are designers who demonstrate what high-quality industrial design is all about: the intelligent translation of changing ways of working, producing and living into new products and concepts of use. Their goal is to transform the office into a more human, vibrant and inspiring place.
Founded in London in 1997, the Pearson Lloyd design studio is one of the UK's most successful. The office's expertise spans a wide spectrum. Its clients include international companies such as Lufthansa, Virgin Airlines and the Intercontinental Hotel Group.
In this ONLINE EXPERT TALK, Luke Pearson and Tom Lloyd talk about the future of leadership and the development process of PORTS.
How do people want to work in today's world? What new ways of leading are currently emerging? What is the purpose of work now? With the exclusive ONLINE EXPERT TALKS series, we offer the opportunity to learn from the best and get answers to these questions and more.